Give thanks to the turkeys

This little turkey named Studs Turkel thanks you for not eating him.  And why should you? When there’s tofurkey and even a nice slice of hummus waiting for you in Afghanistan.  All praise Allah!  Let’s stop the war people!  Why should Obummer win a Nobel Peace Prize now that he’s escalating his own brand of terrorism on Afghanistan? How do you win a prize for peace by waging war?  Isn’t that oxymoronic, accent on MORON?  This year, I’m giving thanks to all turkeys: the ones quietly in repose in OohMahNee Sanctuary in Pennsylvannia, the jive-talkin’ ones we need to forgive, and the ones who wage wars in the name of peace and have blackened the White House by their switch-and-bait style of politics.  On the other hand, we also give thanks to those who have loved us, seen us grow, to the Native American Indians who are disenfranchised all over the country while the Pilgrims who landed on Plymouth Rock continue to bless the America they stole from the real American Indians. Give thanks to the Great Spirit!

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